Farley File: John Scalzi, Part II

My maligned husband has registered his disapproval of my lack of engagement with Twitter.  I think I may have to give him “brownie” points on that front.  The fun with John Scalzi that evening at his book signing (see Part I) continued over the next day on, you guessed it, Twitter.  So here are the Tweets made concerning the killer chocolate chip/Oreo cookie, peanut butter cup, chocolate brownie death dessert that Hubby and I made for John Scalzi.  Don’t tell James, but I really got a kick out of following twitter that week!

This is the Tweet that started the whole thing:

The Scalzi Challenge:

And the Tweets that followed:

The guy next to James Tweeted this one…my right ear’s 15 minutes of fame.

Denise was there, too, Tweeting away. Does everyone Tweet but me?  I’m beginning to think so.

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