Blog Archives

Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript: July 13
In a Mortal Shadow

Taking weekend off from my manuscript, but not from writing.  I wrote and posted a new blog on Leasspell today.  Got the new sight up and running, too, for my own personal blog.

Had to get on with chores at some time.  Laundry, strapping furniture to the walls so they don’t fall over in an earthquake, and fixing the broken foot on a bookshelf.  Must be burnt out…it was a welcome break from writing.

Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript: July 12
In a Mortal Shadow

Kayaking. Sea Otters. Santa Cruz.

Day off!


Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript: July 11
In a Mortal Shadow

Started reading Chapter 55 today.  started falling asleep…in the morning.  Not good.  Wondered if the chapter would ever end.  I did a work count on it. 17,000 words…Oh dear…

Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript: July 10
In a Mortal Shadow

Some days, I believe in my story with all my heart.  I know it will be published.  Today is not that day.  Today is the other day…when I look at my story, I’m burnt out, I read the statistics on accepted MSs, and I say…there’s just no way.  I think I’ll take the weekend off from the story…go kayaking in Santa Cruz, recover some enthusiasm.  One thing I’ve learned, it’s a pendulum.  Will be back on top again another day!


Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript: July 9
In a Mortal Shadow

Been a long time since I read past chapter 49, and I’ve been procrastinating ’cause chapter 49 burnt me out.  Also afraid…what if it’s worse than I remember it?  I know there are rough patches…Found my courage.  Screwed it to the sticking place, and read through chapter 53.  Funny thing.  The part I remember as good and didn’t think it needed work…needs work.  The part I dreaded cause I thought I’d have a lot to do…I liked it!  Go figure!

Back to my day job…got a project off today and another one turned over to the new editor.  Woot!