June 20. Denise arrives. Dinner. Burgers. Packing. Traffic. Arrive at the writer’s retreat around 8:30. Hug Carolyn. Unpack car. Eat ice cream. Set up computer. Table to the left for mouse. Table to the right for music. Ready to write! Gossip till bed time.
Carolyn blows me away. She really seems to like my manuscript. Says opening could be stronger, but she’s really liking Falion (protagonist). She’s on chapter 15. I’m on chapter 49…as in writing it…or trying to. This is my third scrap and total rewrite of the escape from Cete Kellen (aka, chapter 49). Switching to Karill’s point of view and trying again…been trying with him all month. Not going well. Goal for this weekend: finish this chapter!