Blog Archives

Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript: July 8
In a Mortal Shadow

Dinner with Denise.  Geekfest about publishing.  She’s telling me all about her experiences as the winner of the Assent Publishing fantasy contest.  Also gave me my elf gown for San Diego Comic Con.  It fits great!

Proofed chapter 38.  All is going well for Venae, and Falion, and they actually share a joke with Sharp!  Sharp has that effect on people.  But ya’ll know it can’t last, right?

Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript: July 7
In a Mortal Shadow

More proofing. More boringness. Chapter 37 done.

That’s not the big news for what I did for my writing today.  You know the old saw: don’t quite your day job?  Well, I never was much for not making my own mistakes!  I hired another editor to help me with my biggest client.  For all I know, she may even wind up taking over.  Time will tell.

Maybe I’ll have time to wash my laundry now…Hey, did you all know you can have clean underwear sent to your door every week from Amazon? You don’t have to ever do laundry again!


Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript: July 6
In a Mortal Shadow

In the last year, I’ve seen only one movie at the theaters…until the last month.  In the past thirty days, I’ve seen Godzilla, Malefacent, and today Edge of Tomorrow (or as the theater abbreviated it: Edge of Tom…a pronouncement on his career, perhaps?).  Anyway enjoyed it with hubby and the folks. So dinner, shopping, & movie with family left little time for writing…but this is write-a-thon!  Can’t fall down in the first couple weeks!

So at 10:30 I sat down and started proofreading chapter 36, scene 2.  Falion discovers a spy ring and Venae almost gets shot by an arrow with lysis that will dull her mind…I think the shot went astray.  Only 45 minutes of proofing and I’m reading the same sentence over and over.  I’m pretty sure Sharp…got….me…zzzzzzzzzz

Good night.

Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript: July 5
In a Mortal Shadow

I hate proofing. Boring.  And an author is rarely (if ever) good at proofing his or her own work.  But it has to be done.

The book is essentially in four parts: Talswyn, Lumiden, Cete Kellen, and Rahcel.  The infamous Chapter 49 is the end of part 3, Cete Kellen and it was my main goal in the write-a-thon.  I have four readers waiting on part three and my writer’s group is part way through to Chapter 35.  So as much as I hate it, time to proof chapters 36-49.

Today, Venae shocks Falion by revealing part of who she really is…Chapter 36, scene 1, shocks me by having many of the margin comments already addressed! Yeah!  Would be nice if that continued.  I’m not betting on it!

Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript, In a Mortal Shadow: July 4

Happy fireworks day, all!  In a cross-over between celebrating out country’s independence and the point of this blog (all things writing, publishing, and editing): Look! a typo in the transcribed Declaration of Independence.  Oh, no!   Continue reading »

Let that be a lesson to all you aspiring writers.  Proofreaders are important!

On my personal writing front, I found the machete.  I hacked off nearly 5,000 words.  Great! you say.

Not so great.  My target is 250,000, the same length as Name of the Wind.  So I still need to cut 8000 words, that’s the equivalent of about two full chapters!


Excuse me while I sharpen my machete.