Blog Archives

Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript, In a Mortal Shadow: July 3

Pasted the new chapter into the main file…Almost 263,000 words.  Yikes!  Somebody hand me a machete!

Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript, In a Mortal Shadow: July 2

Ha!  I went and got even with Karill…I called in his daddy!

Yep, I found time to do the rewrite. This time it flowed even more easily than the last few days.  Hubby says I finally got it.  Man, why did I ever teach him to be a good reader?  In the old days he just nodded and said that’s nice, dear!

Lucky to have him. He’s helped fix many a problem.

Back to the real world and real work.

Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript, In a Mortal Shadow: July 1

Hubby read the five pages I rewrote, the section he told me dragged the most.  He says it’s working now.

WooHoo!!! Happy Dance.  I own Karill’s head right now!  He doesn’t own mine…finally.

Even though he didn’t say the last five pages needed it, I’m going to rewrite the end…Soon as I pick up my mom and dad from SFO.  They are flying home today from three weeks in Russia and the Baltic states.  I swear they travel more than they are home…hmmm….I wonder if they’d notice if I posted their house on AirB&B…

Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript, In a Mortal Shadow: June 30

Supposed to be doing something else, but I finally have a toehold in Karill’s head and I don’t want to lose it.  Switching POVs always messes with my mind.  I think I know what else is wrong.  Simplify and Intensify.  Make it easy to portray and easy to read, make it a more emotional event for Karill, and it will be a more emotional event for the reader.

Luckily, I have a technique for doing the latter…I’ve actually taught it at a couple of cons I’ve gone to.  Am going to try what I teach in The Lie of Show Don’t Tell. I’ve used it once before when I was massively stuck.  Let’s see where I go with it this time.

So it’s put you money where your mouth it time!

Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript, In a Mortal Shadow: June 29

I’m not writing at the keyboard today, but as is so often the case, my brain is turning over problems.  I think the solution to my problem with chapter 49 remains the same.  Keep simplifying.  I don’t think I went far enough.

Been working on it a lot.  Not up to facing it today on the screen, so today I get all the diary entries I’ve been keeping in a word file and get them online.  Hubby is spending the day trying to get a custom Web site up for Leasspell.  We have a working blog on blogger.  Good site, but to simple too do what I want.  So we’re designing our own.  I hope this works out.