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Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript, In a Mortal Shadow: June 28

Drag Hubby to lunch…that’s what I do when I torture him with my manuscript.  Make him read it.  He says it drags in the last quarter.  Too much going on, to disjointed and feels long all at the same time.

Call the plastic surgeon.  Was right the first time!

Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript, In a Mortal Shadow: June 27

Spent the day putzing with my profile for Write-a-thon.

Should have started work.  Should have reread chapter 49 to see how I felt about it after sleeping on it.  Instead I spent time getting, picking, and formatting a photo…Gac!  My picture has not been on the internet till now.  Then I had to pick a short snippet of writing.  Called Carolyn. Help!  She gave me advice.  Hubby and she help me narrow it down to what is now up there.

Curious?  Here you go, have a look.  The sample is first with a write up following about the book.  You might want to read that first.  In a Mortal Shadow on Clarion West.

It’s bedtime…I finally reread chapter 49.  Maybe it isn’t as bad as I think!  Maybe I should have read it sooner and worked on it today!  Oh well too sleepy. Night night.

Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript, In a Mortal Shadow: June 26

Karill did something unexpected today…he asked for help at the end of chapter 49.  He’s not happy about it.

But I am. Did you notice I said end of Chapter 49? Yeah. That’s it–after FOUR drafts. I have the bones in place front to start. Chapter 48 overlaps now with 49 and has to be cut down. The chapters from 48 through 57 are rough. The bones are good, but some plastic surgery is in order. Excuse me while I call the doctor!

Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript, In a Mortal Shadow: June 25

Told them I’d start work tomorrow…One day to get this right.  The good news is it’s flying out of my fingers this time.  It was so complicated before, I had too much I tried to get done in one chapter.  Simplify.    I feel better about being at the keyboard writing.  Rust is gone.

Write-a-thon gave me lots of trouble signing up.  I got emails from them, just never the confirmation email. Requested it three times. No joy.  And no, not in my junk or spam file.  Nice lady at Clarion West activated it for me.  Now I have to fill out the profile.

Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript, In a Mortal Shadow: June 24

June 24. Slept well last night. First time since I got here.  So I got up early to write. Today is go-home day.  Tell Carolyn about scrapping everything I’ve done so far on chapter 49, and that I’m starting over.  She commiserates.  I don’t feel bad.  Madeline L’engle once had a bad day filling a waste basket from rejected sheets off her typewriter.  She gave up and went to practice her playing on her piano.  Scales.  Revelation! She had to practice her music, Why did she expect she didn’t have to practice her writing.  So these last few days were just me playing scales on my keyboard.

Maybe now I can write some music in my words.