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Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript: July 22
In a Mortal Shadow

Minutes before midnight! Drove all day. Not even a thought to writing! Tomorrow Comic Con! Must hit send NOW!

Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript: July 21
In a Mortal Shadow


Sometimes it’s not about the writing, the intimacy between me and my story, the arguing we do, or the music we make.  Sometimes it’s about the community.  That’s what this next week is about.  Community, ideas, inspiration and fun.

Also Packing, prepping, sweating…

Comic Con here I come!

With any luck I’ll see Patrick Rothfuss, Raymond Feist, Robin Hobb, and Brent Weeks. They are all on a panel on epic fantasy I’m dying to get in to see. Here’s hoping!

Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript: July 20
In a Mortal Shadow

No plans to really work on In a Mortal Shadow till I get back from Comic Con, but I wound up doing some of the technical stuff I’ve put off.  I have a Court scene where the court speech  uses early modern English.  Lots of homework on that for me.

I’m still researching use of infinitive forms and be vs. is.  Plus below, I can’t figure out if “My Lord and Majesty knows/knoweth” He’s addressed as You (royal We & plural, which would take “know”), but My lord and Majesty comprise nouns that are singular and take singular verbs (knows, or, in the case of thou, knoweth).  I can’t figure that one out!  I’m on the lookout for someone who can help me with thorny grammar issues.  If you know someone…I’m all ears!

Ghymaraeth took his feet again, Athenael as well.  The noise in the court died instantly.

“Who dost thou think thou hast brought Us, Our Queen?” 

She dipped her head, “My Lord and Majesty knows I have not the liberty to name the Unmade. To do so be treason.”


Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript: July 19
In a Mortal Shadow

Well I did it, got up through Part 3 put together in pretty good shape. I don’t think there is anything left to do for the first three parts other than edits for consistency and a real hard final proofread if and when I send it off.

Per my goal for the Write-a-thon, I have a rough part 4 in place, the final part. Still don’t have an updated transition between parts 3 and 4, but I will.

Now it’s time to feed my inspiration and imagination, bankrupt my piggy bank, and buy jewelry that I don’t need. I’m packing for San Diego Comic Con tomorrow! James and I will attend as Boromir and his secret and very short elf girlfriend that no one knows about 😉

And here is last year’s extravagance…door jewelry!

Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript: July 18
In a Mortal Shadow

Well I did it, got up through Part 3 put together in pretty good shape.  I don’t think there is anything left to do to it other than edits for consistency and a real hard proofread.

Per my goal for the Write-a-thon, I have a rough part 4 in place, the final part.  Still don’t have an updated transition between Parts 3 and 4, but I will.

Now it’s time to feed my inspiration and imagination, bankrupt my piggy bank, and buy jewelry that I don’t need.  I’m packing for San Diego Comic Con tomorrow!  James and I will attend as Boromir and his secret and very short elf girlfriend that no one knows about 😉   Will post picts when I get back.