Question 7
It wasn’t what I was looking for that was most important when I tried to find an artist, it was more important what I felt. That’s what got me about Liiga’s Sunlight—the way the woman in the portrait seems to have transcended the moment. That reminded me of Teara. She retreats to the gardens where she can be alone with the sunshine, the birds, and the flowers and trees. There she can transcend to steal moments of peace.
I wanted that kind of emotion in the portrait of Falion, too. When I went to Liiga’s gallery, I found several pieces that stirred me. That’s when I knew it was worth throwing the dice. Sss-Mine is one of my favorites because it appeals to the storyteller in me.
Having found my favorites, I wanted to know what the artist’s were and how she gets inspired to make moving pieces or art.
Question 7: What are some of your favorite pieces and what inspires you the most?
It is difficult to pick favorites from my own works due to the common artist malady of picking out all the flaws in them once the initial excitement has worn down. So far the ones that have held up best in my own eyes are Brenell and Candlebright for Bella Sara. As for inspiration, it can be in a variety of places—the right kind of music, a foggy sunrise, a concept that explores interesting contrasts, or just the opportunity to draw shiny details, to name a few. And if all else fails, looking at art usually does the trick.
Full interview will be available after the last of the selected questions has published on December 12.