Blog Archives

Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript, In a Mortal Shadow: June 23

June 23. Tomorrow I go home.  Still feels I’m just beating my head on the keyboard.  It can’t be right if it feels this tortured getting it out…  That’s it–I’m throwing it out!  Starting this scene over.  Only one day till I go home and back to the real world and my job.

Sigh. Job.  They sent me two projects this weekend.  I’m a freelancer…which strikes me as a bit of an oxymoron right now, ’cause I feel chained, not free!


Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript, In a Mortal Shadow: June 22

Karill finally does something! He tortures Venae. Better her than me!  Getting a little traction, but man, it feels like I’m dragging my brain from a rust encrusted state!  I keep writing, and it keeps getting longer, but I feel like I’m not going anywhere. On other fronts, Denise and Carolyn rope me into activating my never used Facebook page (which my husband made so he could play with it for yet more interviews).  I’ve had it for four or five years.  Don’t remember how to even log one.  C & D make me figure it out.  They make me accept them as friends, they make me accept some of their friends.  The new writer’s reality…you must network.  But Facebook…it’s so cluttered…so disorganized…so uncontrolled looking (anyone remember my “button” from the intro post? Control…)  I feel physically ill, no joke, no exaggeration. But I guess one good thing came of Facebook.  Carolyn saw Kevin A. Murphy’s post on the Clarion West Write-a-thon.  She joined.  She talked me into joining…tomorrow.  That one feels better. Sadness.  We say goodbye to Denise after dinner.  She drives Libby my green hybrid Camry home for me.  I’ll take BART.

Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript, In a Mortal Shadow: June 21

That bastard Captain Karill won’t talk to me. Taking him out for a walk to have words with him.

Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript, In a Mortal Shadow: June 20

June 20. Denise arrives. Dinner. Burgers. Packing. Traffic. Arrive at the writer’s retreat around 8:30. Hug Carolyn. Unpack car. Eat ice cream. Set up computer. Table to the left for mouse. Table to the right for music. Ready to write! Gossip till bed time.

Carolyn blows me away. She really seems to like my manuscript. Says opening could be stronger, but she’s really liking Falion (protagonist). She’s on chapter 15. I’m on chapter 49…as in writing it…or trying to. This is my third scrap and total rewrite of the escape from Cete Kellen (aka, chapter 49).  Switching to Karill’s point of view and trying again…been trying with him all month. Not going well. Goal for this weekend: finish this chapter!