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Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript: July 18
In a Mortal Shadow

Everywhere I look, I see where Elfan have sewn hints of the Adamant City into the fabric of this one. Oh, it is not the same.  Everything here is…”  Amril’s voice dropped to a whisper.  “Less grand, less vibrant, less refined.”  He looked at his son.  “Just less.”

Chapter 47 is now proofed!  48, too.  Only two more left and Part 3, Cete Kellen, is ready to go!

Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript: July 17
In a Mortal Shadow

I escaped the demon dog!  Zoe was sad to see her rope puller tosser/treat feeder leave, but I had to get back to a birthday party.  Get this, a gal I met on an
Amazon cruise in Peru in February, who lived in Mass. where I’m from originally (kinda), moved to the neighboring city of Mountain View last month.  So what does that have to do with writing?  She is in social media marketing so she gave me some tips on blogging and the like…for when I have time and presence of mind to DO the right things!

Did some mind-writing in the car on the way home where I imagined dialog and emotional reactions to the new material I added.  Doesn’t sound like much but this prewriting is often a critical step when I change gears, as I’m doing at this scene.  I’m changing POVs and countries and we have left Darii for the first time.

But I need to get a completed part three out to several readers, so I’m trying to plow through the proofing.  Up to ch 44. I’m thinking my goal for the Write-a-thon should be to get those chapters in order and delivered.

Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript: July 16
In a Mortal Shadow

Write-a-thon Diary July 16

Zoe was super friendly last night. she must have sensed that Carolyn is used to sleeping with cats so Zoe got up on the bed on Carolyn last night. Carolyn astutely noticed that she’s much heavier than a cat, especially noticeable in the wee hours of the morning! She was back to circling again, but around her dog bed, the coffee table, and her buddy, another older German shepherd that takes being circled in much better stride than I do. Fortunately, she didn’t do that today. Unfortunately I joined her in circling…I was back to mental circles in my writing. The next chapter is written, and it works okay…but given the events at the end of chs 49-50, I can do better…I just didn’t want to tear into what I’d already done!

Get over it! tear into it! And keep going!

Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript: July 15
In a Mortal Shadow

My brother’s 8 month old long haired German Shepherd is nuts. Carolyn & I set up to work today…and the shepherd ran rings around the table for a half hour. Not conducive to much work, so I just proofed another chapter.  

On the other hand, we had fun playing pull the rope, soccer, and catch the splashes from the pool with her!

And I did get the word count down a thousand words.  Hey did you know two words joined by a hyphen count as one word in MS word?  Time to go hyphen crazy!

Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript: July 14
In a Mortal Shadow

Yeah!  Writer’s overnight with Carolyn while I housesit for my brother.  Pool. Hot tub.

Feeling slightly less burnt out.  I even wanted to work on my story today, but I didn’t. I want to be jazzed for tomorrow.

Work also took up my whole day.