(as I loosely call it this week!).
Oh my gosh, so much today. Godzilla, Dragons, LOTR, GOT, geeks, swag, Crowds, more crowds… Lightning fast registration so much better than last year. Had a conversation with a young guy crossing the street. James said,My People! Man I never get to talk about this stuff! They just don’t get it back home (at work). this Guy was a Hall H’er. You don’t get into Hall H. That’s where the good shows are. This guy waited in line from Sat night till the next day to get in. Only he had a plan! had the people in front of him hold his place in line. Went out drinking, and brought back pizza for his new line buddies. They slept on the grass, and they got in! Now that’s working the system. But I think the picture sums it up the day best.. Storm Troopers in a Smart Car! Honey, we have arrived!