Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript: July 24
In a Mortal Shadow

Recently I’ve perhaps been fudging in what I’ve entered under my Write-a-thon diary…But I think today I can count as a legit entry. I’m so excited to have been in the same room with many of my writing idols: Jim Butcher, Raymond Feist, Robin Hobb, George Martin, and last, but by no means least, Patrick Rothfuss! I even got up the courage to say hi to him. Robin and Raymond, too. I’m pretty sure this is what the word twitterpated is for!

Brent Weeks, Richard Kadrey, and Joe Abercrombie, authors on my to do list, were there, too. I had to hang out in the hall way for a while, but it was worth it…if only the panels were more than 50 minutes each!

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