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Tag You’re It! Melissa Snark

Melissa Snark, as I said, tagged me in the 7x7x7 challenge.  I was excited to see hers because I had the pleasure of working with her as a developmental editor on her soon to be released, Battle Cry.  She’s got a gorgeous new cover and now that the story has turned into a series, she’s gone back and redone other covers so that they all coordinate beautifully.  I wish they were released so I could share them with you.  Instead, I’ll share her 7x7x7.

From BATTLE CRY, due out this Fall.

“Alpha Finn, if you come to settle a debt of honor, then fight me alone in
personal combat.” Jake’s voice rose to a shout. He brandished his burning dagger to add emphasis to his challenge. “Act with dishonor and Odin shall know you as a coward!”

“Impressive that you, a nonbeliever, have Odin’s ear.” Animosity replaced the
amusement in the Alpha’s gaze. He snarled, slyly mocking. “Why should I question your honor, huntsman? It’s not as if your hunters participated in the slaughter of an entire pack.”


Tag You’re It!

Everywhere I look, people are getting tagged.  My husband showed my George R. R. Martin’s response to getting tagged in the famous ALS fundraiser. George was smart, his tagging involved a bucket of ice water…and a warm swimming pool.

Patrick Stewards response to donate $100 dollars or take the icy shower was to write out a check and give a nice smug look to the camera…hilarious!

Well I’m not so famous as those folk so I was surprised to get tagged in an author challenge, the 7X7X7 by author Melissa Snark.

Here are the rules:

Go to page 7 of your current work-in-progress.
Go to Line 7 on that page.
Post the next 7 lines as they are.
Tag 7 people to do the same.

And here is my response (as posted on Facebook):

MY 7X7X7 from In a Mortal Shadow:

As they passed through the open gates, Aeryn called out. “Hallo, Hayseed!”
“Hayseed!” answered the gangly youth posted at the entrance. “I’ll show you who’s the hayseed at practice today!” He was a subaltern in Second Company, only a year older than Aeryn so the two wound up sparring often.
“Yeah,” called Aeryn over his shoulder, “That’s what you said last week, and I bested you then.”
“Well, I ain’t got no plowman’s back this week, Sprout!”

And for the final 7: Jax DanielsTeresa EdgertonElanor S FinsterElizaBeth GilliganSheryl R. HayesCarolyn HillDenise Tanaka

I’ll let you know if I see them picking up the challenge!


Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript: August 8
In a Mortal Shadow

Excitement!  A day off…not enough to get into the swing of writing on the novel (and man, did I want to, but I need three free days to be productive), but enough that I could do some administrative things like prep to read the workshop stories for Convolution.

That’s not exciting, you say?  Well I did more than that.  I’ve commissioned a picture of my main character.  Falion’s portrait came in today.  We are nearly to the finishing point.  I’m very excited. I so want to share it, but it’s not done and I’ve only paid half.  So I’m not sure on whether I can share it yet or not, but I will! Maybe in a month, if I’m lucky.

Meanwhile, here is the portrait that inspired me to contact this fantastic artist.  I’ve been looking for pictures that represent my characters in my head, and this one just jumped out as the best I’ve seen.  This reminds me of the Elfan, Teara.  Just gorgeous.

This picture is called sunlight and it’s by Liiga (its okay to repost if I put in a link to her gallery)





Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript: August 4
In a Mortal Shadow


Right now I am waiting for a business call.  I have about 45 minutes.  Last night I lay awake with thoughts of my story going through my head.  Those thoughts are pestering me.  But 45 minutes isn’t enough time to leverage them, to marshal them, and to silence them.  So I ignore the little yanks they are giving to my mind.

have to work today.  Some people can do both.  I’m so envious of one of Leasspell’s writers.  She has her day job in an office. But she gets up early in the morning and puts in an hour or so before she goes to work.  Blows my mind.

Part of my problem is that I am of two minds…kinda literally.  I’m right brained, or left brained.  I’m creative, or I’m analytical.  But I’ve knows since college that the two sides don’t cooperate much.  So if it’s a work day, my left brain gets to drive the good ship Consciousness.  If it’s a writing day, then that’s the privilege of the right brain.  But I don’t switch well.  I’m not a multitasker.  I focus, and I focus hard.

To switch to writing, I need a day of music and walking and talking to myself. I need to have conversations with my characters.  Then the next day, we can get down to the writing.

So though I hear Falion calling me, he’ll have to wait.

Today is a left-brained day.

Diary of a Schrödinger’s Manuscript: August 3
In a Mortal Shadow


Cool! I took this I’m sure very meaningful and insightful quiz and it came up Lord of the Rings! Woo Hoo! No I did not cheat! I didn’t even know LOTR was in their list. I guess there is a reason I’m writing fantasy and epics and stuff about Elves and other races. 

Hubby came up Charlotte’s Web.  He was not impressed with those results!

Wanna take it? Click here.