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What’s the Deal with The Dead Man’s Deal?
A Review by Laura of Lurking
Strong language: None
Drugs: None
Violence: Yes, mainly arena battles
Sexual content: None
I received a final copy of this novel for free in return for an unbiased review. As a disclaimer, I am also in the same writing group as the author and have watched the book progress, but I have not allowed that to cloud my judgement.
Winki Witherspoon is a widow of six months who has given up on life. When we meet her she is a wreck, dispirited, disengaged, and withering away to nothing both physically and emotionally. She is contacted by her husband Will’s lawyer, who insists as a part of Will’s will, he has to take her somewhere. Soon she pulls up at the dilapidated Gateway Manor with its kooky staff and a horde of secrets, starting with the double life her husband’s been leading in the hidden underworld of New Orleans. Her new life has been handed to her, whether she likes it or not.
The novel is written in first person through the eyes of Winki. She has a great voice, revealing the emotion, whether depression, shock, anger, or that flash of excitement, with ease. The story has a fine mix of sarcasm and dry humour, such as “Oh yeah, just mocked by a roach.” I felt in the early chapters she jumped between emotions too often, fleeing the house or diving into shouting matches as her self-preservation method. This smoothed out as the book got going though, remaining just enough for comic relief, but allowing the plot to progress.
The secondary characters, many of whom have nicknames such as Jeeves, Mrs. Black, and Mrs. White are all well developed and get their moments in the spotlight. Having all known Will since he was a child, they all add emotional enrichment, plot twists, and deepen the discovery of the hidden world under Winki’s nose. My favourite character had to be Hercule, the talking cockroach that despite any reservations about the species had our entire writers group enamoured with him. He often acts as a buffer or defence for Winki when too much information or too many instructions are being thrown around, explaining things simply, even when she is less than happy to share the room with him!
Interview with an Artist Q6: Revisions
Questions 6

As if worrying about revisions in my novel weren’t enough… INKYGIRL.COM. Daily diversions for writers.
I was a little uncomfortable with the revision process, for I wasn’t sure if my critique would be viewed as criticism or if I were pushing the limits with the number of revisions (one a month for six months). Liiga was very patient, but that didn’t mean I wasn’t pushing it. So I asked.
Question 6. On average, how many times does a client usually get a proof and reply with corrections?
It’s hard to estimate an average for number of times that corrections are requested because it varies wildly depending on the client and the type of image. Character portraits will usually see more adjustments, seeing as capturing someone’s likeness from a description always involves some amount of guesswork. Also, not everyone has a strong visual of what their character’s appearance might be like. On occasion that leads to more revisions due to trying to find just the right look, while other times it means more freedom of interpretation regarding what appearance works.
Comic Con San Diego—Not for the Faint of Heart
Comic Con is a little like making a go of writing—it’s not for the faint of heart. It is a trial from the moment you decide to go to the moment you stumble back through your front door and do a header into your bed. I could do an entire blog on just the ticket-selling lottery. Last year we used seven computers to optimize our chances, and this year, owing to more restrictions, three computers.
I could do an entire blog (okay, rant) on the hotel lottery and booking process. Like how this year, although I put my request in within a half hour of the lottery opening, I didn’t get a hotel. When it opened up a second time, I got one several miles away. At registration, the clerk told me that not only was I paying $13 a night more than I would have had I gotten the early-bird special (i.e., booking the first time when I was spit out of the lottery), but that we did not get breakfast vouchers. Breakfast is huge because food at the con, with 150,000 of your closest friends, is another challenge. Continue reading
Next is packing. I once went on a biking vacation with formal-enough clothes to hit a nice restaurant or two in a pair of standard-sized biking panniers. But I was going to Comic Con in costume—heavy multilayer costumes, chainmail, extra stage makeup, bulky boots, a case of jewelry (hey, where better to wear my collection), prosthetics, glue, and remover, and enough hair product to fill a small suitcase. When we were done packing the car, my husband wanted to know if we were vacationing in San Diego or moving there.
All this and we haven’t made it to the con yet! Inside the convention center you will face more challenges such as security people who yell constantly at you to keep moving (even when I was in a line for the bathroom). They have only enough seating outside of panels for maybe a couple hundred people (Starbucks and the upstairs Sail Room tables).
Perhaps the worst drawback are the crowds. On Saturday, you could not breath and move at the same time…not enough room: pick one. The lines are mind-numbing. I was going to video tape the line for the biggest hall, Hall H, but (whining alert) it was too long, and I didn’t want to walk that far! See that tent in the picture, that’s all for Hall See those people along the side of the convention center? That’s where the line winds around behind it! To add insult to injury, if you don’t camp out overnight, you likely won’t get into Hall H, and that’s where they do the good stuff. Last year Hall H was where Dr. Who held the 50th anniversary panel. This year I don’t know who was in there. I refused to look; I didn’t want to get depressed.
Scare you off yet? Screw your courage to the sticking-place and suck it up, because despite all the challenges, Comic Con International in San Diego is AWESOME. All around you, literally on all four sides of you wherever you move, are people just like you, who love what you love. I had a great conversation just waiting at a light and crossing the street with someone who saw the Dr. Who panel last year. He knew how to work the line for Hall H. His story involved pizza and beer. He was on his way to set up for this year. Ahhh, youth! My fifty-year-old bones aren’t cut out for sleeping on cement, or even grass, as the young man happily shared with me, nice soft grass… He’ll be fifty someday.

You never know what’s going to happen when you cross the street at Comic Con! Stormtroopers in a smart car…can you get anymore Comic Con than that?
All my favorite shows have panels, some of which I even managed to attend: Falling Skies and Sleepy Hollow, for instance. Falling Skies wasn’t so hard to get into. Sadly, they announced next year is their last season. I don’t think I would have gotten into Sleepy Hollow if we hadn’t been in Falling Skies beforehand. Sleepy Hollow is doing just fine. If the crowd attending didn’t tell you that, the decibels of the screeching teenyboppers would have…oh, and the fifty-year-old woman in the middle…Hey, if you scream with them your eardrums damp down, and it’s less loud. Just self-defense!
The dealer floor is unimaginable. I would tell people just to go for that experience alone. It is so large that although I walked it every day, I saw only about half of it. I concentrated on the big publishers most of whom were giving away free books. But be warned, if you visit the long table for Penguin (Roc, DAW, Ace) stick to the right side as you face the table. On the left side was witchy lady with nonfunctioning brain. I asked if she had a book recommendation for XYZ, and she said we don’t take pitches here. I said I’m not pitching, I’m looking for a book on XYZ. Didn’t end well, she blew me off with a scowl. But the two editors on the right side, they answered my question. Thanks Left Flipper of Penquin! Visited Simon & Shuster, for whom I used to work, and the nice editor there took a couple of minutes to talk to me. Floor was busy so I moved on. I had another mission after all.
Mission two was JEWELRY! Which won’t surprise anyone who knows me. Last year I rediscovered two former loves from years gone by, Angelwear Creations and Willow! I was all hot to buy more, but Willow didn’t show up this year and Angelwear didn’t have the piece I’d hoped for…so I ordered it! While I was shopping, I saw this really cool bracelet.
You could spend days wandering the floor looking as such things as the Lego display with such life-sized statues as the raccoon from Guardians of the Galaxy. You could drool over wonderful statuettes from dozens of talented artists. This one booth was even giving several away! One statue was a life-sized Hans Solo in carbonite. I didn’t enter that one. My hubby trotted up and proudly told me he did. He better hope he doesn’t win; only room for one adult male in the house—him or Han. Hmmm…let me think that through.
I met and talked with Nene Thompson, whose fairy calendars I’ve bought from local bookstores. Her husband and she are putting out an epic fantasy series, and we geeked out over that; I was in heaven. The range of the art is magnificent. Anything from high-quality dollar postcards to original oil paintings in the thousands. There was this one white dragon I saw… But I’m afraid I would have needed a loan from Smaug to buy that original…

Life-sized Smaug at the con! Hey, buddy, how about parting with some or your gold? Comic Con ain’t cheap, you know!
Which, if Smaug were the generous type, would have been doable, because he, and much of the cast of the Hobbit, were there! Now if it had been Lee Pace/Thranduil in carbonite…Well, James should just be glad that wasn’t an option!
The masquerade fashion show with skits was more fun this year even than last year. Some were gorgeous, some were funny as hell. Game of Thrones and Frozen seemed to be the theme this year…or GOT meets Frozen. This was one of my favorites: #35, The Frozen North. The Best-in-show winner was another favorite, clever, cute skit, and the costumes looked impeccably made: #27, Giant Monsters All Out Attack.
But the stage didn’t have all the killer costumes. Check out Iron Man! Er…Brass Man? Oh forget what to call it, this is one cool steampunk suit! And since I couldn’t take Lee Pace home, I snapped this cosplayer in his Thranduil costume and then snapped Loki! Is it getting hot in here or is it me? Don’t tell hubby! Oh, never mind, he’s busy being all excited over finding his first booth babes.
So despite the preparation, the expense, and the crowds—and partly because of the latter—Comic Con San Diego is worthwhile. Some of you know, these past few months I’ve really struggled through writing my last few chapters, but when I finally got in the zone, I was floating a mile high. Comic Con is like that. A struggle and then a walk in the clouds…
Hey look, I made it to Comic Con!
Look for a future blog about my experience as a writer at Comic Con.
photos by Matthew J. Carson and Jennifer L. Carson.
Angelwear, Batman, Carbonite, Comic Con, Dr. Who, Falling Skies, Frozen North, Giant Monsters all out attack, Hans Solo, Iron Man, Jennifer Carson, Jewelry, Lee Pace, Loki, Nene Thompson, San Diego Comic Con, SDCC, Sleepy Hollow, smart car, Smaug, Steampunk, stormtrooper, Thranduil, Tom Baker, Willow
Schrödinger’s Manuscript: The Uncertain State of a Novel
by Jennifer L. Carson
As we write our first novel, we can’t help thinking about its future. I day dream about DAW, Roc, and Tor. I hear stories about indie published works like J.L. Doty’s Gods Within series that I learned at a con sold over 30,000—and who hasn’t heard about the success of Shades of Grey? As I get closer to finishing my manuscript, I have to do more than daydream: I have to really think about what I want. If it’s traditional publishing, how do I optimize my manuscript’s chances with the most likely fit for it? Daydreaming is fun. This is work…and scary work at that, because every choice I make, every avenue I go down, every street I bypass, could be the difference between finding a publisher…
Or not.
As I near finishing my novel, I have started researching cover letters, query letters, synopses, publishers, and statistics on rejections. The numbers are downright scary. Don’t get me wrong, I believe in my manuscript with all my heart…but when I read that Rowling’s Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone got rejected 12 times, that Herbert’s Dune got rejected 23 times, that L’engle’s A Wrinkle in Time got rejected 26 times, and that King’s Carrie nearly didn’t see publication because after 30 rejections, Steven King threw it out (his wife rescued the manuscript…thank you Mrs. King. I like that one!)…well, when I read those numbers, I think, what chance have I? This is why, in my head, my novel is both publishable and unpublishable all at the same time; it is my Schrödinger’s manuscript.
But I have one task to do before I try to take my novel from Schrödinger’s sealed manuscript box…and that is finish it. But how? I’ve been stuck on the Chapter 49 for a very long time.
Enter Clarion West.
I was at a writer’s retreat trying to claw my way through chapter 49 sentence by sentence, when Carolyn, the host of our mini retreat, spotted a post about the Clarion West Write-a-thon. For those who haven’t heard, Clarion West Writers Workshop is an intensive writer’s training event where you stay on site for six weeks and (according to a friend of mine who’s been through it) you live, eat, and breath writing. Sounds AWESOME—but who has six weeks to just take off from his or her life? Sadly, not me.
That’s why the write-a-thon caught my attention. To help fund this pricy writers workshop program, during the same six weeks, Clarion West holds a write-a-thon online where anyone can join. You set your goal. You can get sponsors. Or you procrastinators out there can “unsponsor” yourself; I’ve seen folk pledge to pay if they didn’t meet their goals: “Every day I don’t write I will donate $5.” Don’t like to bug people for money? Join next year anyway! Clarion West gets funds based on the number of participants. So when Carolyn said, “Let’s join the Write-a-thon,” well, it didn’t take much arm twisting.
I put together a page on the Clarion West site, inserted my excerpt of my novel, blurbed it, and set my goals, which read: To finish writing the rough draft of my novel…especially that #$#%$ chapter 49! This means I have six weeks to finish my novel. If ever I am going to document the process as I said I would in my first blog, now is the time to start. Groan…blogging…often…it would interfere with my accomplishing my goals.
Or would it? During our writers retreat, I discovered that Carolyn is keeping a diary of her writing on her blog (her “Progrep” series). I loved the idea…and by the end of the weekend, I knew I wanted to do it, too. Today, for the six weeks of the Clarion West Write-a-thon, I share my diary with you to fulfill my promise of tracking the progress of a manuscript in the days when my novel, In a Mortal Shadow, is still Schrödinger’s manuscript.